Three Fundamental Tips for Effective Key Cutting

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Three Fundamental Tips for Effective Key Cutting

19 January 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Losing your residential or commercial keys can be devastating. Therefore, it is important to have a backup plan in case of such an unfortunate situation. Under ideal circumstances, you should plan on making multiple duplicate keys to facilitate access if a lockout does occur. This precaution will promote your convenience and ensure security. However, you should note that cutting keys is not a simple process. If you do not make the right decisions, the risk of getting a poor-quality spare key will be high. Here are simple tips for promoting better key cutting for your needs.

Know the Cutting Methods

You should know the different approaches through which specialists cut keys. This will help you find the right technician or business to create your spare keys. There are three options to consider: hand, mechanical and digital techniques. Each of these methods has benefits and drawbacks.

The process of hand-cutting is not often used. As implied, this involves creating a key from a blank manually using simple tools. It is a time-consuming method, and it requires a lot of skill. However, it can be useful where the original key is unavailable.

The digital approach is favoured because of the level of precision achieved during duplication. However, you should know that the cost of the process will be considerably high.

The most reliable approach for standard duplicate key creation is mechanical cutting. It is affordable, and the quality of the product is good.

Consider Blank Quality

The quality of the blank will determine the reliability of the new duplicate key. In simple terms, if the blank is light and weak, the key might not work as expected. For instance, the item might get stuck in the keyhole. Moreover, there will be a high risk of key breakage, and subsequent lockouts might occur. Therefore, you should discuss the options for blanks. Where possible, it is advisable to choose a blank made of the same material as the original. However, you can opt for other strong and durable materials like steel and stainless steel.

Understand the Limitations

Finally, you should understand the limitations of key cutting. It is not possible to duplicate all keys with ease. Therefore, you might need to evaluate the alternatives if you require a spare in such a situation. For instance, creating duplicates for high-security and restricted keys requires an authorised technician and a unique code. Also, copying keys without originals can be expensive. In this case, it is advisable to consider replacing the lock. 

Contact a company that can help you get keys cut to learn more.