What to Know about Marine Pile Driving Services

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What to Know about Marine Pile Driving Services

9 September 2019
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When you own a commercial marina, there are certain upgrades you need to make. One of those upgrades may be extending or strengthening your piers and docks. In order to do this, you may need to consult commercial marine contractors regarding pile driving services. If you have never had these services performed at your specific marina, there are some things you should know. Here are a few of those key points and what to know about each one.

Material Options

The first key point to know about marine pile driving services is the types of materials you can choose from. Many marina owners believe their only choice is a marine concrete that is sealed and made to hold up during weather conditions, storms and the rising and falling tides of the area. The truth is, you have other options as well, including vinyl sheet piling, treated marine lumber and steel. When you first discuss the project with your marine contractor, consider discussing the materials that are best for you and how they can benefit your plans.

Piling Depth

In most areas, there will be marine rulings for the minimum piling depth. This is to ensure that the construction is durable and stable during severe weather conditions. You may be asked to choose the piling depth you want for the marine construction upgrades and extensions you have in mind. In some situations, you may not know the piling depth you want. During the consultation with the marine contractors, you will discuss this and learn about the options and benefits available to you. 

Design Options

You may have a design option in mind for your marina extensions and upgrades. Before the pile driving services begin, these design options will be discussed. This is to ensure the piling points are set correctly for the design you have in mind. Keep in mind, depending on the design you want, you may need more pilings than traditional docks piers. You may also have additional areas of the marina that you want to include in docs and pier upgrades that need pile driving services. You can discuss these designs as well. 

When you are ready to schedule marine piling services, contact your commercial marine contractors. They can schedule a consultation and discuss your options. They can also discuss upgrades that can make your piers, docks and jetties more durable for severe storm situations and other inclement weather.